

On the threshold of a New Year 2020.

New Year is the perfect time to spread good energy and cheers. Every year in Holiday season we give a moment of thought to the achievements we made in this year. 

Our focus on learning and developing of competences has not changed.

We named 2017 – Year of education, but 2019 was the best by now. During this year our team has been all around the World. The increasing popularity of Azure services has moved our Microsoft Certified Trainers through companies of all sizes, making them ready to move their businesses to cloud services.

One of the things we have raised to a higher level this year and that makes us proud is our conference. In June we organized our favorite pre-summer event named ICodeFerence. For the first time since we organize this event, we had international experts as our guests and speakers. Not only we learnt about software development, but also about business perspective of developing enterprise software products.

Let’s not forget that we expanded our workplace. Our modern and cozy office at Master Centre is now more commodious, allowing our business and teams to grow together.

We continued to support young talents at the beginning of their careers with our Microsoft training for students and graduates.

No matter what we do, training, software development or consulting, we learn constantly. 

We decided to set our focus for 2020 to empower everyone in team to strengthen existing and build new competencies. Our environment is changing fast, and we are ready for challenges that come. 

What’s your plan for 2020? Think twice, code once!

ICodeFactory wishes you Merry Christmas and wonderful and prosperous New Year! See you in 2020!



Data Science as business decisioning tool

Multidisciplinary field with a focus on predicting future outcomes while using past and current data is called Data Science. In order to make better decisions in the future, man utilized data with combination of scientific methodologies, processes and algoritms and implemented Data Science.

Mathematical formulas were out there for decades, but now, when we are flooded with so much data, it was normal to quantify those unstructured data and translate them into useful information. And that is how we included data science in business. 

Using cuting-edge technology we have evolved data processing so we can use those information to change the direction of current work or organize business in a better way. It can help with customer targeting, changing internal processes or speed up selection process.

With our partners, we have developed an AI driven product for knowledge management. Combined effort of top software development experts, university professors and innovators have brought us to new algorithms in Machine Learning.

The main challenge with implementing Data Science in companies is the expensiveness in identification and interpreting large amounts of data as it can be complex and time-consuming. It’s surely worth the effort since the results contributes to competitive advantages like new opportunities or new strategies which are dominance benefits of any organization. 

The Data Science team is usually consisted of computer engineers, mathematicians, statistics and domain experts from the field that is processed.

ICodeFactory, Big Data, Guest lecture, Implement Your Vision

Wednesday is our time for ICodeFactory learning sessions. Last week we hosted a guest lecturer to tell us more about award winning application of artificial intelligence in agriculture. This solution combines results from a number of scientific fields and it is based on the development of meteorological indicators with advanced machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms. Amazing, right?

Data-driven decisions are already part of our lives, whether we are aware of it or not. 

In the future we will meet much more data science technologies and tools that will lead us to better results, products or services. Stay tuned.

Data Science, ICodeFactory, Implement Your Vision


Why Investing in Custom Software Pays Off?

Everyone loves the idea of being unique. As a personality, business model or software can also be unique. We can help you create that magic called Bespoke software.

Years of experience in delivering software solutions across the world, especially for enterprises, has taught us tips in creating solution that customers want for better business, processes, challenges and to improve internal workflow.

Custom based software or bespoke software is a tailored-made software by the measurements of the company. You probably have heard by now that the origin of bespoke software comes from the fashion industry. A wealthy man who could afford a suit tailored by his measurements worn “bespoke suit”.

Buying a commercial „off-the-shelf “software always looks like a good and simple idea, but sometimes it turns very complicated when you realize that you need more features, functionalities and you paid for something already „built-in by default“ that you aren’t using. 

With custom software you don’t have to think more how to fill the gaps with additional solutions. Also, waiting for the new software upgrade doesn’t have to be a long-awaited future.

Security is an important topic when it comes about new software. There are a lot of opinions that commercial software is secured, but the fact is custom tools are less affected for hacking since you are independent and have full control over company data.

Using cutting edge technologies, we build adaptable, flexible and agile software solutions with certain features and performances. 

We worked with clients from financial consulting industry. In order to implement their vision, we built trusted custom software for their services and simplified their work eliminating exhausting tasks. The combination of high-level domain expertise from clients and our knowledge in software development has produced a great solution. Experts from financial industry have spoken highly of this software solution as it is the best financial tool they have ever used.

Creating custom software gives a client the best productivity, efficiency and maximum outcome with complete control, openess for suggestions and support without license fees. Taking step by step during the development process, custom software is your personal solution for your business needs such as automation of repetitive tasks, reporting or creating a more responsive business environment.

In a wide range of industries, it is always amazing to build a software that suit YOUR company perfectly.

Contact us or visit Services page for professional consultation about custom software development for your business. Let’s implement your vision.

ICodeFactory, Custom Software, Bespoke Software